Saturday, May 21, 2016

The Experiences of a Public School Applicant (Content Focus on Coherence)

One of my friends, prepared himself for the upcoming RQA (Registered Qualified Applicants). He studied his subject matter so the observer would be impressed and amazed by how he delivered the lesson to the students. Instructional materials like visual aids, flashcards and laptop were brought so that the whole class would be smooth and effective.
In addition, he searched articles related to K-12 so that he could answer the panel of judges. He browsed the website of Department of Education (DepEd) and Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and scanned and downloaded important information. He also asked his friends what they knew about the prospective or possible questions to be thrown by the interviewers to him.
Similarly, he dared to ask for his student’s and cousin’s help to let him borrow their laptops. He needed to bring two in case the one would not function. He tried to borrow LCD projector from his former professor in college. Only the laptops were brought because according to his professor, the monitoring team may visit anytime at his office.
Moreover, he lent money from his board mate for him to be able to travel to Siargao Island where the exam for English Proficiency Test (EPT), teaching demonstration, and the interview would be conducted. In fact, he had to stay in Dapa for four days because the exam’s schedule was separated from demonstration and interview. He called up his parents where and to whom he could stay without fee or just for free since he really ran out of money. The budget was only for his meals. Luckily, the sister-in-law of his sister offered her boarding house.
Furthermore, while he was already in Dapa, he remembered that the medicine of his mother also ran out.  He called up his father that he had to buy it since it’s maintenance for his mother’s health. He was so worried at that time. His co-teacher texted him that there was a problem about his school papers. However, he told himself not to be disturbed and had to focus on his battle. So, he set aside those things.
Amidst those intercessions, he prayed to God that all things would not be in vain. So matters continued. He took the challenge by answering the queries of the panel with confidence though he felt a bit nervous. The interviewers seemed satisfied because they did not throw follow-up questions.
During the teaching demonstration, there was one flashcard lost, the speakers did not function and there was no LCD projector available. Despite the inconvenience, he did not quit. He was able to finish his lesson.
After all these things, he thanked God. Almost all his co-applicants said that he could make it since he had all the requirements submitted to the division office. Of course, he kept his feet on the ground and he hoped for positive and fair result. He kept in touch with God every day asking for his help because he heard some news that as expected, the dirty politicians interceded with the ranking process.
After a month and 10 days of waiting, the result was posted stealthily on the website of DepEd. One of his close co-applicants texted him that he was not able to make it to the top. So, he asked how did he know and the reply was, “lantawa sa website kay pinasikreto ra”. As he opened the website, he was so disappointed because his name was not included. He was even shocked for his classmate and co-applicant made it to the top despite the lack of requirements.
Consequently, he called up someone who had a close connection to the division office and she said that he lacked “this”. He could not believe that since he complied all the requirements compared with his classmate who luckily got an item. From that time on, he couldn’t sleep well thinking of what happened. The result really excruciated him. If only he had a backer, he could have been included in the list.
However, he planned to visit the office to see and clarify the result. He wanted to meet up with the schools superintendent. He knew that it’s too bold to do it but he really had to. He wanted to seek justice.

Truly, he is so determined to push his target. He wanted to fight for his right as he underwent a clean and impartial process of application. Though many people said that he had to accept that because according to them, not all efforts and sacrifices will be paid off and that everything happens for a reason but still one thought kept on reminding him that there’s no wrong in trying. So, he really had to take the risk or else, he would lose and regret.

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