Sunday, May 29, 2016


It is amazing how technology change and makes our works easier and faster now compared to a pre-invention era. Nowadays, we feel so comfortable by the help of the inventions, especially in the 21st century. What people cannot  do, technologies can like getting or sending information here and abroad, traveling from one place to another in just a matter of an hour or even minutes, expanding the lives of people (such as surgery, heart or kidney transplant), processing foods and the like.

People enjoy these things consciously but know unconsciously the bad effects. With the advancement of technologies comes with the various problems brought by the inventions of the experts or let us say people with high-intellectual capabilities when it comes to technologies. But the questions are: Do the inventors deserve to be blamed? How about the millions of users? Can or shall we stop the pervasive and rapid spread of these technologies? We are accustomed to using technologies especially to improve the government and education systems. So we better help one another to somehow lessen the growing problems since we are also liable and responsible for those.

Anyway, what are these problems? How can we address and attend to these so we can find and give solutions? Let us know the first one. It is very rampant nowadays to look for answers to school assignment on the internet. Thus, teachers have to be careful. Students just copy and paste the information without examining the content. In response to this, a teacher has to copy the text and put them on “search bar” or in a plagiarism tracker, and then the source will immediately appear. So the students caught doing this must be warned or else they will suffer plagiarism punishment. Plagiarism is defined as the act of using another person’s words or ideas without giving credit to that person. In order for the students not to be charged, they have to cite the source of the information.

Another problem is societal brought by technology. Young individuals spend their time playing games, logging in social networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, etc. These cause isolation from the real world. They less communicate with their family and less discuss problems. These also lead them to meet up with strangers where they knew in social media. A lot of cases reported on television that after they met, they were kidnapped or even harassed or killed. As a result, the parents who are supposed to be responsible for the safety of their children must limit their kids from going out. If the children are attending to schools, it is the teachers who take responsibility. The better way is the teachers have to let the whole class to watch a movie which has something to do with the problem. At least, they will feel or realize their misdeeds.

In addition to this is the pollution caused by technologies as well. Harmful substances and materials are now widespread in our environment. The pollution is not only produced by burning of garbage but also by factories and vehicles. How are factories and vehicles run? It is by fossil fuels. As technologies grow, there is also growth in the consumption of these fossil fuels. Unluckily, our environment will take millions of years because it can produce or form new fossil fuels. There are studies that show that the Erath is running out of fossil fuel supplies. Others believe that Earth’s supply will be ended up within 1000 years. However, a harm done by technology can sometimes be repaired by another technology, but still there are jeopardies that the latter technology may cause another problem. An example of this is an atomic power plant. This can produce atomic energy. This energy will not use fossil fuels, making our fossil fuels safe from consumption. Only that the problem, is that the atomic energy produces radioactive wastes which are not safe for living organisms. So in response to this, the solution is that the scientists are searching new sources of energy. One of this is the plan to use satellites that will collect solar energy from the sun. The energy that will be gathered would be sent to a receiving station on Earth. This time, the solar energy would be changed into electricity. This technology indeed might become a major energy source to be used in the future.

What else? Other problems are due to long use of technology which is detrimental on someone’s posture: neck pain, back pain, eye strain and other problems are common in those who use technology on a regular basis and do not maintain good posture. But what can we do? As usual, common sense prevails. The most fundamental advice is to take frequent breaks, whether using a smartphone, laptop, computer, iPod, etc. even small breaks of a few seconds may be long enough to reduce the muscle fatigue that comes from using these devices particularly if use involves a less than optimal body position. Build breaks into your routine. Don’t take several phone calls back to back. Take a few minutes between calls to relax the muscles. Set an alarm clock for 15 minutes and get up and walk around.

So the bottom line here is self-discipline. If we cannot content these various problems, let us somehow eradicate them.


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