Sunday, May 29, 2016

English Language:The Perceived Pros, Cons, and Means in Philippine Classroom

English Language:The Perceived Pros, Cons, and Means in Philippine Classroom
Stephanie G. Vallejos
University of Southern Philippines Foundation

Author Note
Stephanie G. Vallejos, Master in Education Major in English Language Teaching, University of Southern Philippine Foundation
This paper was prepared in partial fulfillment of the subject course EDET 716 Expository Writing for Discourse Competence
            Correspondence concerning this paper should be addressed to Stephanie G. Vallejos, Master in Education Major in English Language Teaching, University of Southern Philippine Foundation, Lahug, Cebu City

               English language is considered as the second language in the Philippines. It is used as a medium of communication in business, public services and classrooms instruction. Philippines isonce on the top list of English Proficient country but eventually slips its rank due to lack of measures in strengthening its post in global English market. With that, this study aims to gather in depth knowledge on the problems encountered by students in the use of English language in the level of Philippine classrooms and seeks for solutions to address the problems.
               The researcher gathered information about the arising problems encountered by students in using English language in the classroom. The gathered problems are to wit: (1) students’ constant exposure and practice in speaking English; (2) difficulty in mastering grammar; and (3) embarrassment felt due to peer pressure.   The researcher also seeks ways in order to combat the said problems. One is implementation of the Executive Order 210 s.2003, which obliged the English language to be the medium of instruction in some subject in the Philippine classroom; secondis the English proficiency trainings for teachers; and third is the establishment of English clubs for students.

Keywords: English language, mastering grammar, proficiency, peer pressure, Philippine classroom

            Students nowadays are having difficulties in using English Language in the actual classroom scenarios. Set of rules in the classroom like “Speak English only” may shutter the minds and mouth of the students and may let them mumble during the oral recitations. These problems may lead to greater catastrophe in general for it may hinder the students to compete in the world of employment come the time of seeking for a job. With that, this research aims to gather in depth knowledge on the problems encountered by the students in using English language as a medium of speaking in actual classroom scenarios. Also this research aims to collectreliable information as to how to solve students’ difficulties in using English as a language.

English Language; Pros, Cons, and Means in Philippine Classroom
            English is a language that students need to learn and practice effectively for real life purposes. It can place oneself a step ahead of the labor competition. It is really a great advantage on landing a job if the applicants or workers are proficient enough in the English language. They could be competitive enough to the world of global job market (Marcelo, P. 2010).In addition, Cagadas, J. (2012) said that speaking English fluently improves student’s potential in labor market after schooling.In fact, Suelto, S.L. (2012) added that students need to use English in order to become efficient in professional, academic and social circumstances. Indeed, English language importance is undeniably evident.
            Students may acknowledge the importance of English but inevitably hardly use it in reality. Difficulty in speaking and even construction of sentences prevail in most of the students. According to KavinHetrakul (1995), English is use more frequent only inside the classroom and less frequent outside the classroom because the students have limited time to learn English in the classroom. The following problems are arising; first, students don’t have enough encouragement to practice English outside the classroom because of their peers. This is due to the people outside the class that does not support the students to speak English frequently. Second is the problem with grammar. Most of the students are having difficulties in mastering the English grammar, while grammar is really important to form a right sentence, sentences that may be used as a language.
       Bernardo Villegas (2000) agrees to the statement of Hetrakul (1995), he said that majority of the youth are having difficulties in speaking English. They do not have enough occasions in their normal lives to speak nothing but English because the youth have all the chances to speak only and listen to the Filipino language (Mother Tongue) in their day-to-day lives such as in every conversation with their acquaintances, family, etcetera.
       Philippines is one of the nations which got the largest population of English speakers in the world back then but in unison Philippines is doing nothing to strengthen the edge that people likes to talk about. Philippines seem to have no plan to maintain for our country to excel in the English language. Maybe this is the reason why Filipino’s proficiency in English is deteriorating. In order to help the Philippines to increase the number of English-Proficient Filipinos, the article of Martin, R.Y (2008) states that President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo implemented Executive Order 210 s.2003, which established the policy to strengthen English as a Medium of Instruction in educational system in the Philippines. The President’s intention in implementing EO 210 is motivated by a concern to keep Filipinos competitive and to make them well-educated.
               The implementation of EO210 s. 2003 is an adequate way in addressing the problem in speaking English language but students still are having problems in speaking English inside the classroom due to the reasons above stated by Hetrakul, K. (1995) and Villegas, B. (2000) which is supported also by an article published by Llanto, J.F. (2008) of abs-cbnNews.comwhich stated that when English is used, students do not learn well, and at times do not learn at all. Using English as medium of instruction in some subject areas [Math and Science] prevents students from learning as much as they could in their mother tongue. Students tend to be used in using mother tongue rather than speaking English in the classroom. If they are asked by the teacher to answer the question using English language they may not have the guts to answer such question.
What will be the solution to English Language Deterioration? Well based on the past studies of Hetrakul, K. (1995) suggested the two solutions to encourage the students to overcome the fear of speaking English in front of class. First, is the way that the teacher must do, the teacher must inspire the student to speak English for it is needed in their real-life situations. The teacher may fine the student who speaks using their native language inside the classroom. The teacher must be approachable enough and convince their students that error is a normal thing in learning in order for the students not to be embarrassed in front of their classmates. Second solution is for the students themselves; they could form an English conversation club that consists of their friends and classmates. They can share and talk about anything in English during that time. The students in this club could learn together and they can correct each other without feeling embarrassed.
               Although, the suggestions of Hetrakul, K. (1995) was good the article of Llanto, J.F. stated that in order to improve the English proficiency of students, there is a need to re-train because most ofthem are also not proficient in English. Results of self-assessment test conducted by the DEPED in 2004 showedthat one out of five public high school teachers is proficient in theEnglish language. It is also stated that the situation is aggravated by students' limited exposure to thelanguage. Before, they can learn English by watching cartoons and TVshows. Now, everything is in Filipino.“Do you expect them to learn if they have limited exposure to theEnglish language and if their teachers do not speak good English?Sheasked.

               The use of English language inside the Philippine classrooms is of great help for students to seek employment after schooling and to be competitive in professional, academic, and social settings in general. It proceeds to a better living. On the other hand, students hardly learn nor practice English because of different factors. In order to address this problem and uplift the Philippines English proficiency status, Executive Order 210 s.2003 was implemented. Also, English proficiency trainings for teachers and establishment of English clubs for students are some of the suggestions. Hence, everyone must heed and take part to the call of uplifting the English Proficiency of the Filipino students and must strengthen and execute the suggestions and existing laws and/or orders that respond to this call.

Cagadas, J. L. (2012) Why learning English is very useful in the Philippines? The Importance of English in Education.Definitely Filipino.The Blog for Online Filipinos.
Hetrakul, K. (1995). The Second Language. Students’ Difficulties in Speaking English and How to Solve It. http:/// (Accessed on October 28, 2005)
Llanto, J.F. (2008) Philippines: Legislators push English as a medium of instruction. Harold Schiffman (moderator) hfsclpp at Tue Jun 10 13:35:35 UTC 200. DepEd. Memorandum no. 57, s. 2004
Llanto, J.F. (2008) Philippines: Legislators push English as a medium of instruction. Harold Schiffman (moderator) hfsclpp at Tue Jun 10 13:35:35 UTC 200.
Martin, R.Y. (2008) English as a Medium of Instruction in the Philippines. English Department College of Arts and Sciences-Manila.
Suelto, S.L. (2012), Pursuing English Language Proficiency Among Filipino Students.
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Villegas, Bernardo (2000, May 26). Why English should be the Medium of Instruction. http//

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